Thread: MLB Off-Topic
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Old 06-18-2017, 08:40 PM   #7867
Sportsforever's Arena
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Re: MLB Off-Topic

Originally Posted by DieHardYankee26
Strongly as in, really anything more than just a "hmm... we'll see" because we have no idea what is even going on. The response is overwhelmingly positive outside of here...which shows it might be the fans' game, but that might also mean for some, it isn't their game. I meant it was no one person's game, I thought that was clear. But in reality, it is the owner's game, and just like Wal-Mart, we are customers. It's actually not the fan's game lol, so I'm kind of glad you made that point. It's only up to us whether or not we choose to shop here.
Well, I don't even need more info...based on what we've been told FOR ME it's pointless. Not something I would ever ask for...I'm not saying it's the end of the world, shouldn't happen, etc, but it's just not what I watch baseball for. I don't think that's a "strong response"'s just an honest one.

I disagree about the game not being the fan's game, however. In some ways you are correct...but at the end of the day if people suddenly stopped caring about baseball, MLB would cease to exist as we know it and the owners/players wouldn't matter one bit.

Look, it will be interesting to see what they roll out...if something like this brings in one fan, then great. At least it raises money for a good cause.
"People ask me what I do in winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring." - Rogers Hornsby
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