Division 3 seasons: why do my players become stupid
Lol. Ok. So, I created this thread out of pure anger and frustration at this game. But, I am curious if other people feel this or notice this.
I play online seasons, exclusively. I consider myself pretty good, but I'm not a tourney guy or anything. But, what keeps driving me nuts is that it simply feels like division 3 just plays differently. And, it's not the competition. I'm not trying to be a jerk, I know there are better players the higher u advance. But, what I'm talking about is my players just don't play the same. The ball takes more funny bounces. My players can never get control quick enough for me to make a pass.
AND, the absolute #1 problem I have once I get to division 3 is that my players constantly pass to the WRONG player!!! And, this is why my frustration level is so high. We all know FIFA screws up passes a few times per game. This is acceptable and u just deal with it. But, I am talking about every single important pass goes to the wrong player. Especially, in the final 3rd. If I have a guy making a big run to the box while I hold up play and pass a lead pass at the perfect time, he just kicks it to midfield or something!!?? Lol. U know?
And, I'm sure my opponent is doing something to affect this even if not on the ball, but it just doesn't feel like that's the case so often. It just feels like, 'well, kid. You're in the big leagues, now. We're going to make the game harder for u by constantly passing to the guy u r NOT aiming at just to screw with u'. Lol.
And, I also find my players loafing around much more in div 3. And, specifically, that's the spot. Div 4, I simply don't see this as much.
I've always been curious about the matchmaking in FIFA, and am curious if anyone knows, any devs here? My question is that sometimes u play those wonky games where the ball refuses to go in the net no matter what u do, no matter how wide open the shot. I've seen this work for and against me, btw, so I'm not biased on this, I've def seen it happen. Is it possible that if I am div 3, and they can't find a div 3, so I play against a div 5 player or something, does he get a boost, and I get a nerf, maybe? And, vice versa, of course. I've absolutely played against players I could instantly tell were better than me, but something just happens, and every one of his shots misses, and I bang in a couple of lucky or freak goals, u know?
Anyways, just curious if anyone shares my pain. Lol.
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