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Old 08-04-2017, 05:27 PM   #31
isdatyt's Arena
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Join Date: Feb 2012
Re: An Early Look at NBA 2K18 Gameplay Changes

Originally Posted by Hustle Westbrook
Sounds meh to be honest. Gonna have to see some gameplay footage and more in-depth blogs from the devs but from what I've read I'm pretty disappointed.

And that part about "artificial stupidity" has me really worried. Almost as if we're gonna have the CPU making the same brain-dead mistakes on defense as last year just for the sake of "realism."
I love that realism. You should have to pay for picking a player who sucks on defense the same way you do if your player sucks on offense.

Without this, some players have no weaknesses in game. Steph (to an extent), Dame, CJ, Harden, Kyrie, Lou Will, are all guys who are atrocious on defense. They constantly get out of position, aren't covering their guys, or just getting a "whoever" offense ran on them. 2K does a great job replicating strengths in this game, it's great to see those weaknesses finally making it in.

If you want Harden for the flashy, pot-stirring, ankle-breaking highlight plays, you should have to deal with the times where he's on defense and forgets he's in a game or gives up an easy bucket.
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