08-06-2017, 01:16 AM
OVR: 1
Join Date: Oct 2012
Posts: 2,324
Re: NBA2K18 hands on impression- defense part 1 of 2 2K17 vs 2K18(DmanUnt2014)
If players with a higher defensive awareness swivel their heads more, react, help, rotate more, I can only imagine how much this adds to the game. A potentially brilliant addition IMO.
I use OKC primarily and can already picture the fun I'll have with using PG and Roberson. Roberson being a complete offensive liability will really force me to think about his usage. Love that.
To me, next step would be working on player weight/momentum/foot planting etc. This will affect pull up game, driving game in major ways.
We'd really be on the way to some amazing hoops gaming then.