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Old 08-09-2017, 06:56 PM   #70
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Join Date: Jan 2013
Re: NBA Live Companion App Available Now For iOS & Android Devices

This app has been buggy for me on iOS. For a while, trying to rescan seemed to cause the app to crash quite a bit. After fixing that and trying to do more scans, the app crashed saving a preview of one of mine and now the app itself is stuck on the main screen with the cyber head doing a continuous loading icon.

Might have to try and reinstall it. I like the app itself since the process is a bit quicker than 2K in general but wish I could get it stabilized. The issue with my scans has been that my eyes seem all over the place so trying to focus my attention on the camera itself once it starts. Another small irk is that they don't really give you the best preview before it heads into the finding your face mode, it would be nice if we could see how we look in the oval and get set before being thrown into it.

Edit: I suppose it's their servers since after reinstalling it's telling me they're in high demand right now.

Last edited by Inzombniac; 08-09-2017 at 07:50 PM.
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