Here are 17/18 rosters for NCAA 13 on PS3. I have converted the rosters that are being worked on in this thread.
NCAA Football 14: 2017-18 Roster Update
I take no credit for the creation of these rosters. I just converted them to work with NCAA 13.
All credit goes to all those in the above thread for this wonderful work .
Updated as of 9/7/17. Final version. September 7th
EA locker.
**You do NOT have to friend me to download the roster. **
Offline file as of 9/7/17 -
-UAB will have UNC Charlotte's players.
-All teams are not in their new conferences. There were dynasty loading issues when these were changed. All teams are in their original NCAA 13 conferences.
-12-13 season schedule. **The new schedule does not work with the 2013 game and it would take hours to update manually. Sorry.