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Old 08-20-2017, 05:53 PM   #7
VAWereWolf65's Arena
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Re: Some Youtubers Help Ruin 2K

Originally Posted by REEality
You care, that's why you eplied. Everyone cares. Most people resort to the tactics because someone used them against them and they just started fighting fire with fire. So dont bring that crap here lol. People sit in forums because they care. And its everyone involved fault. If you buy a gun and shoot you, it's not my fault for shooting you? It's only the manufacturers fault???
I'm confused as to what your point is or what you're trying to get at, but basically what i'm saying is don't complain about how YouTubers help make 2k a ****ty game by pointing out the flaws in it. Like I said, If no body points it out, it will never get fixed.

2k tends to ignore things unless the community as a whole is pointing it out and not just a few people, which is understandable because they're such a big company and it's hard to see stuff unless everyone is talking about it. Which is why everyone should be pointing out how flawed the shooting or dribbling system is lmao...
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