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Old 09-03-2017, 12:40 PM   #287
ComfortablyLomb's Arena
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Re: Everybody's Golf Arrives on August 29 For PlayStation 4 - Post Impressions

Originally Posted by bcruise
Caught this on a loading screen, and it's a little more re-assuring after the awful news earlier - there's a limit to the number of times you can customize a club. That probably means that you can't max out everything - in other words, you're going to pay a price if you go all distance. So that 360 yard drive or whatever will own the early courses, but without control you'd stand no chance on the later ones - or at least I'd like to think so.

There's a lot we don't know about this yet because people are only starting to hit the endgame now. Not going to panic just yet. I'm not justifying P2W by any stretch, just want to make sure that's what this truly is.

Also, the 10 gems I had on hand gave me one level and not 2. And the levels I had gained on my clubs up to this point still matter because they're still levelling up if I use the custom ones. Club type enhances those levelled stats - no matter whether it's big air, Pinhole....or custom. So it's not "**** those clubs" as that poster said. In fact, his whole concept of the customization structure might be completely wrong if he thinks you're leveling an entire new set of clubs with those gems like you've been building levels through the game.
Apparently, you basically roll dice when upgrading the custom clubs. Which means your set may come out better or worse than someone else's. However, you can recycle and start from scratch and go for a better set. The bottom line is someone who wants to plug more money in can have more chances for a better set of clubs and of course simply have an advantage over other players.

I don't care if this is a $40 game vs $60 game. It's a retail title and it's pay to win and it wasn't advertised as such. This is mind-boggling awful on a console. I expect this on brain-dead mobile titles but not for mainstream console games. I think reviews ignored or were not aware of this. This game should not be recommended as-is.
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