09-04-2017, 09:43 PM
True Feel NFL Simulation User vs User Sliders
Recommended for Online Leagues..Last Updated 9/29/2017
QB Accuracy: (47) Allows for elite QB's to stand out from up and comers, backups, and scrubs. Provides realistic off throws without becoming overbearing. Ill advised throws penalized, and pressure impacts.
Pass Blocking: 60
Run Blocking: EDITED 9/29/2017 (5) This has provided us with the perfect balance. Offensive and defensive line ratings dictate success vs failure. Requires patience and an eye for run lanes and cut backs. Results vary from big plays, short gains, and running into walls.
Fumbles: EDITED 9/29/2017 (33) Fumbles occur when they should. Protecting the ball matters. Resistant to user strip spam.
Pass Reaction: EDITED 9/29/2017 (2) Provides much more realistic response to thrown passes. Tones down the ability of out of play defenders being able to Usain Bolt across the field in ways that they could never do in real life.This creates more realistic passing windows and preserves one on one WR DB situations. (Ratings) Awareness, Play Recognition, Coverage, Agility etc, and timed steps all factor in here. A false step can make or break a play.
Interceptions: EDITED 9/8/2017 (Due To 1st Patch):NOW (51) Improves the IQ drive for defenders to attempt to REALISTICALLY make plays rather then watching passes , by way of swat, tackle, and INT. Works well with Pass Reaction lowered, because they are now using their brains rather then unrealistic speed to ball. Ratings matter! INTS are still dropped at normal rates.
Illegal Block In Back: (25) Must annoying, unrealistically occurring penalty on Madden dating back to last year. Here you get less of the random block in the backs that occur for no reason other then to hurt your Return/INT/Recovery yards.
Fatigue: (65) Increases the worth and roles of backup players, penalizes no huddle spammers, provides realistic amount of plays off for breather, and improves substitution rotation.
Injuries: (12) Injuries occur and works well with fatigue rate.
Speed threshold: (75) Perfect balance of speed for the game between players at all positions. Speedsters maintain value and are still capable of making big plays, however BIG PLAYS have to be earned, simply hitting the outside or shaking one defender does not guarantee pay dirt! High rated defenders at all level still have roles even as speed regresses.
Game Play Speed: (Fast) Decision making in the NFL comes at you fast this reflects that and leads to more realistic human error.
Pass Coverage, Tackle, WR Catching, and all other penalties have been left at the default value of (50).
Last edited by SwagBoutDatMaddenLfe; 09-29-2017 at 11:59 PM.
Reason: Patch Update