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Old 09-08-2017, 09:50 AM   #1
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Join Date: Oct 2015
Why I'm done with MyTeam/Massive MT Giveaway

With 2K18 dropping in a week, the grind will begin once again for most MyTeam players. I won't be joining you. 2K17 is the first time I played MyTeam...and man did I play some MyTeam. Over 450 games, countless hours sniping, and*more money spent than I care to admit. In the end, I got PD Duncan...and I'm totally burnt out. I can't imagine starting the whole process over, especially knowing what I know now about the mode.

Every two weeks is a shameless money grab with increasingly unrealistic and juiced up cards to get us excited (Jimmer w/HOF badges ring a bell?). They play on our worst impulses, and I absolutely gave into it. I don't really regret it because of all the hours of entertainment I got out of the game, but it's not worth it to me to start from scratch and do it again.*I had a lot of fun, but it's not worth the stress, time and money I know it will take to get PD Shaq, which is ultimately where my goal-driven, competition-obsessed mind would drive me. With what appears to be significant gameplay improvements and the addition of all-time teams, I'm going to do offline franchises and play PNO when I need to get my user v user fix. I want to give a big shout out to everyone who has given helpful advice over the last year. I really enjoy the 2K community.

With all that said, I'm going to do a little bit of good for the people still grinding 2K17. On Wednesday I'm going to sell my Cavs all-time squad, and I'm going to give away that MT for the price of FREE. I estimate I'll net 500-600K from selling my team. To claim some (or all) of that, here's what you need to do. Post a player from the Cavaliers '17 collection (the one with Sapphire LeBron, Emerald Kyrie, etc) so that it's available Thursday (9/14) at 8AM EST. Make sure you put it up for*a starting bid of 23,600 MT with no BIN. At that time, I'll search for those cards and drop all my MT. I might put all 500K+ on one card, or I might spread it out between a handful. Just kind of depends how I'm feeling. I figure this way I can be fairly sure someone from here or 2KMT Central (where I also post) will get that MT instead of selling all the cards for 500MT for some random sniper to profit from. Good luck!

I'm on PS4, btw

Last edited by Nickstank; 09-12-2017 at 12:38 PM.
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