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Old 10-12-2017, 02:43 PM   #16
cthurt's Arena
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Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Portsmouth, Virginia
Re: Ponder of the day: If the internet didn't exist, would people still be complainin

This is such a interesting subject and could get different point of views depending on what era you grew up in, I grew up gaming in the early 90's where you basically got whatever you got and had to deal with it, which I did but I was a kid then that didn't have to spend my own money for the games that I played.

Thinking about going through that in this time of my life I feel like unless the game is totally broken and unplayable, our standards wouldn't be as high because we would be so used to playing these games from the aspect of how the company that created them wanted them to be played. These days we literally have the power or at least the platform to get the developers to put features in the game that we want even if it wasn't the developers vision to have it in the game with patches and game updates.

Complaints about any product will always be there with internet or not you can always take the old school route of writing letters to companies or calling complaint lines to voice your frustration, its just so much easier now with the internet that literally everyone has a voice directly to whoever they want.
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