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Old 11-15-2017, 09:56 AM   #6
jake19ny's Arena
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Join Date: Mar 2011
Re: Another EA Official Roster Update (October #2)

Originally Posted by dmacgreg37
Cracks me up how many people get pissed at this first major update.

Every year, players will disappear from AHL and ECHL, as they were in the game last year based on their CHL or their PHPA contracts. The AHL ones have to be redone each year, and it takes time for all the teams to get theirs, and get them signed and returned. If they moved from the CHL to AHL, they have to start from scratch (see process above).

Every year it's the same thing.
I think people are more pissed that there is no roster share like every other sports game out there has had going back to last Gen. most of us understand the AHL players situation and college player rules what we don’t understand is still missing a very basic feature that people have asked for year after year. To rub salt in the wound EA won’t even acknowledge the request or give an answer as to why they won’t add this simple last gen feature. If there is a legit reason please share it with the community.
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