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Old 12-14-2017, 03:23 AM   #14
YourFatZebra's Arena
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Join Date: Nov 2017
Location: South Carolina
Re: Bring Back Live Broadcasts

Originally Posted by RetractedMonkey
Ditto on that. I have no friends IRL that play games and most grown men aren't looking to make friends with someone they don't know by playing UFC (although this HAS happened several times to me), so I never have consistent competition. I still somehow manage to make it to the top of the leaderboards, but I know I'd be even better playing good players.

It's also boring finding one good player every two hours and fighting 50 "Slim Wangs" in the interregnum.
Not to turn this into the "party up" thread but if you're on Xbox add me man. My GT is the same as my name here just with spaces. I luckily have other friends who are hardcore into MMA like I am and being on the younger side more of us still play video games competitively. But once the game drops I'll be always down to play with anyone from here. I too get bored of fighting "Player Name" all night, getting lulled into a false sense of security only to queue up against some T4H dude who takes advantage of insert-exploit-here to stomp my win streak to pieces. All while using some tattooed demigod named "Throwdem Hands" or something.

It'd be nice to y'know. Throw a leg kick once in a while.

See somebody work a jab. Y'know. Fight stuff.
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