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Old 02-12-2018, 09:15 PM   #3
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Join Date: Jan 2018
Re: Ultimate Team: Issues and Improvements

Originally Posted by RTSImperator

Ultimate Team Balancing:
As far as gameplay goes, this is a huge let down for the mode. As fighters will often follow a bias in their fighting style and will pretty much have to stay within it. Not only due to base attributes, but more importantly move slot configuration aswell.

It is then up to the player to decide how they can then patch their fighters weak spots, which is pretty folly considering the move slots available within the styles. I'll use a 'Striker' as an example as that's my preferred playing style. With the weak grappling they have and the FOUR grappling slots they have available, I'll have to decide whether to increase TDD primarily or BOT as any other area would not be viable.

This makes matches against grapplers a HIGHLY FRUSTRATING experience as you're pretty much hopeless once it becomes a grappling match and in some cases, may as well put the pad down (this is assuming you increased TDD and your opponent manages to get that 1 takedown).

Likewise, if you're a grappler and are struggling to get a fight to the ground, it can be an equally frustrating experience as you have next to no chance on the feet.
Exactly. The fight style balancing is horrendous this year. It's like pairing a guy with a knife vs a rifle in every match and there's no compromise. I actually haven't put much time into ufc 3 because of this. Ultimate Team was my go to game mode and I haven't even had the ambition to boot up the game for about a day and a half. I'm already burnt out on it.

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