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Old 02-28-2018, 12:08 PM   #7
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Location: Western Canada
Re: MLB the show 18 interleague rotation

Originally Posted by countryboy
If you have an easy fix for them, I'm sure they'd love to hear it. They have been trying to get rotating interleague schedules into the game and its not working properly.
One would assume that the league schedule are stored in database tables right? And the Interleague game play recycles every three years right. Since they already store the current year schedule in the database. Why not store the previous two years as well and recycle the schedule for every year in the franchise. We don't need perfection in the game. We don't need a different schedule every year. We just need a little variety. The basics of the real world baseball schedule is repeatable every year. In the month of April and into the first week or so of May the vast majority of the games a team plays is against their division rivals making sure on average you play 3 home and 3 roads games against your rivals. Then for the six weeks or so you play games against other teams in your league as well as throw in some inter-league play. In the middle of the summer you play (on average) 3 more home and 3 more road games against your division rivals. Followed by another round of in league and inter-league games during the dog days of summer and then in the last six weeks of the season you play (on average) three more home and three more road games against your division rivals to end the regular season. This pattern is repeated year after year.

We don't need perfection, we don't need a dynamic schedule every year. All we need is variety which can be achieved by reusing the schedules from previous years. The database tables to store a schedule can't be that big. There really isn't that much information that needs to be stored. One week of coding (probably less now that I think about it) and a little testing and it's done. But it's about priorities.

Last edited by My993C2; 02-28-2018 at 12:12 PM.
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