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Old 03-21-2018, 04:03 PM   #4
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Join Date: Sep 2017
Re: Tuner Set - March 21, 2018

maybe it's less related to this thread
but i'v tried to find a feedback thread with no luck.

the only one thing which bothers me personally about this game is the
walk-off KOs.
now that we have ref interactions, it would be nice to get rid of those
and let us the control to choose if we want to walk off or not (like in previous games)
also it would be nice to get some new takedown animations (not from the clinch)
so the game will feel more crisp new

I understand that things are a bit more complicated than that for you
the develpoers but it would be nice if you considered it for future patches.

Beside that, great job on a great game and thanks for listening to us the fans.
sorry if it was less related.
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