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Old 04-01-2018, 02:24 PM   #6
trackstar121388's Arena
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Re: Best Pitches for the different archetypes

Originally Posted by Kentaurus
I have a plain filthy archetype. And currently built more with a flamethrower style (haven't got that 4th pitch yet which will be some type of curve).

Cutter is probably the best overall pitch in the game IMO, it is my primary pitch, would imagine it as a really good secondary for a flamethrower. Elite pitch against opposite side hitters, for my right-handed pitcher it just destroys the lefties.

Sinker has been underwhelming so far, really if you don't put it at the very bottom of the strikezone it gets hammered and hitters don't seem to chase it at all.

Circle change has been great as well, good strikeout pitch at the bottom of the zone and very capable of just freezing guys when used at other times in the count.
I'm a pretty big fan of the cutter and slider in general so it's great to hear that the cutter is nasty!

Good to know about the sinker.

Interesting! What does the Circle change do better over a regular change?
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