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Old 05-06-2018, 11:55 PM   #20
All Star
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Join Date: Mar 2015
Re: Enough with the predictable foul balls!!!

Originally Posted by BBallBryan23
I hope many of you can sympathize with me here, but it seems like 4-5 times a game when I am pitching, I'll get locked into a hitter who will foul off any pitch I throw to him. It is absolutely maddening because 1.) I have the foul ball slider turned all the way down, and 2.) I am a busy guy who doesn't have that much time to play games with 15-20 extra unnecessary pitches because the game decides to predetermine when a CPU hitter will foul off pitch after pitch.

Does anyone else have this problem and/or does anyone have any suggestions of how to help this other than what I'm already doing?

I understand this happens often in baseball and is a big part of the game, but enough is enough here lol.
I am not sure what difficulty you are playing on but i tend to have this problem on HOF. On all star i dont have this issue but the game is to easy. On HOF the game is harder and more realistic but the one problem i have is that on HOF its like 1-2 times a game CPU will have at bats where they just refuse to not foul pitches off. Because of this i think i may try playing on all star+.
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