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Old 05-23-2018, 08:43 PM   #6
EA Game Changer
ZHunter1990's Arena
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Join Date: Jan 2016
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Re: no lecs this year?

Originally Posted by Michaelhimself
Speaking of LEC, I’ll actually drop a little knowledge in here. I’ll change names so as not to break any rules.

I’m not going to share my opinions (frankly I don’t have any)... I’m just going to keep it simple and list the facts. People can interpret it however they’d like:

The best player mentioned in the OP, let’s call him Ken.

Fact #1: Ken was one of 4 contestants who qualified to compete at the EA UFC 2 LEC finale in Las Vegas (winner gets $10k).
Fact #2: One of the 4 players who attended the LEC finals in Vegas DID NOT legally qualify at all; Ken played for them on their account.
Fact #3: Because Ken was far better than anyone else on UFC 2, he was indeed capable of qualifying for the same tournament multiple times.
Fact #4: Ken used this to his advantage. After qualifying himself, he qualied one of his friends by playing for them on their account. In doing so, he got to bring a buddy to Vegas, whilst simultaneously eliminating one of the 4 open spots from a more deserving player.
Fact #5: The player that Ken played for and illegally qualified was actually a gamechanger at the time, but I won’t name names.
Fact #6: Playing on someone else’s account to qualify them for the Vegas tournament would not only be a dishonest, selfish act. It would be against the rules. (Keep in mind, the tournament was for $10k)
Fact #7: Someone who has used dishonesty to serve their own interests is likely to do so again.

Fact #8. Ken joined his buddy (the guy he qualified for the Vegas Tourney) on the gamechangers team for the production of UFC 3.
Facts can be proven. So none of these are "facts"

Lets cut the ****, I beat your *** in ranked for the first 6 months of UFC2 and the only win you got on me in that time was when my controller batterys died. You are notorious for catching on slowly and you've admitted it yourself. There were very few good players at that time.
Kenetic, Dmart, Afro, myself, BrandNewMac, and Raxcks(Who improved quite a bit during the LECs)

I mean, your the same guy who blocked all of the above in ranked in the beginning of the game to try in order to secure a higher win rate.

Devs investigate the winning profiles in LECs. Period.

The most annoying thing about this entire post is you discrediting the amount of work I put in to secure my spot because you feel like spreading a rumor. I spent days and days sleep deprived securing my spot.
Half of this game is 90% mental - Tim Sylvia
Xbox GT: ZHunter90/ZackJitsu
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