07-06-2018, 08:20 AM
Footwork stat importance? Footwork vs Accuracy?
So I've been messing around lately with various stat configurations, all around footwork, accuracy, and head movement. I've determined HM means the least so I'm focusing on footwork/footwork vs accuracy, especially in the middleweight and heavyweight divisions where the fighters are slower in general.
What value do you guys put on your footwork in terms of how you rate it as how important it is to focus on and have high?
Right now for my middleweight, I have 86 footwork with 91 accuracy. And my heavyweight 88 FW and 94 AC.
So my question is do you think footwork should be higher and focused on more? I fought an anderson silva in middleweight with a 92 footwork and he didn't seem that much faster with his movement. I beat him. He also had really low accuracy.
So footwork? Do you guys see a big difference in footwork in the mid-high 80's compared to mid-high 90's? Is it worth sacrificing accuracy or some other stat to increase?
I've come to realize that with accuracy I definitely see the difference between low and high with the way your strikes connect. Have you guys noticed the same?
Thoughts in general?
Last edited by GrindFactor; 07-06-2018 at 08:22 AM.