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Old 07-19-2018, 06:12 PM   #1
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Join Date: Jul 2016
Revivifying USER Field Goal Kicking

Because if anyone should know anything about shanking the hell out of a kick, it's a Bama fan, right?

For the last few days, I've been working on a way to give new life to the kicking game for the USER, and I think I may have found it. At least a new option. This may be hard to explain with words, so I may have to create an image at some point, but I'll try to be concise.

At this point, I think all of us make 95+% of our field goals, if not 100%, to the point where many of us have just chosen to sim. This is because the "cone" that you aim with (the one with three lines, left, right, and middle) is too forgiving. You don't have to hit dead center to make your kicks. When does it become unforgiving? When you miss, outside of the cone. I noticed how the "aiming dial" is much more sensitive outside of the cone than it is inside it, in terms of the direction the kick will take. So, I've designed this system which requires kicking outside of the cone (most of the time) to make your field goals.

Pros: The challenge of field goals & extra points increases drastically. That hook/slice that kickers have is brought back into the game. Misses will occur. Accuracy is all on you. When's the last time you weren't sure about a game winner?

Cons: Kicker accuracy rating is rendered meaningless (but unless you sim, wasn't it already meaningless?).

What You Do: Change your kicker's accuracy rating to 53 (every year). 53 is the minimum for kicking straight every time in any weather. At 52, it just goes random in rainy weather, even if you hit it perfectly. This is crucial since the idea is built around missing outside of the aiming cone. At anything higher than 53, you will miss too accurately. Sometimes, usually at short to mid-range, you end up kicking within the cone due to the angle. The exact spots will change depending on your kicker's power, but I just consider this the kicker's "sweet spot". And, in real life, most kickers struggle the most the further back they go. So, this also seems like a realistic quality.

Slider for USER FG Power needs to go to 100. The low accuracy takes distance off of the kicks. This actually works out IMO, as it puts kickers with a 99 power attribute at about a 55-56 yard max range in this system. USER FG Accuracy needs to be set to 30.

Now, for the actual kicking. Ignore the yellow arrow entirely. It is not relevant in this system. If the ball is spotted outside of the uprights, you align either the left or right line of the aiming cone (whichever makes sense, given the direction of the kick) with the line at the very top of the power meter(pic below). If you were to kick it normally from here, you would miss wide every time. So, this now requires you to land your "aiming line" outside of the aiming cone in the proper direction for getting the hook/slice you need to make the kick. If the ball is spotted inside the uprights, you align the top line of the power meter exactly halfway between the center line of the aiming cone and either the left or right line, depending on the direction needed(pic below). Practice is recommended, and I actually found kicking in practice a lot of fun. Imagine that...

Less power = more control: For extra points and short/mid-range, less power on the power meter produces less hook on the kicks. I've never been a kicker, but I imagine that this might also be realistic since most kickers become less accurate the further back you go

So, that's it. If you managed to make it through that read and have any questions, be sure to ask. This has made kicking very fun, risky, and uncertain. The way it should be. - Ball spotted outside the uprights. - Ball spotted inside the uprights.

Last edited by Tuscaloosa; 08-11-2018 at 02:30 PM.
Tuscaloosa is offline  
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