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Old 08-30-2018, 01:05 PM   #8
Boiler569's Arena
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Join Date: Apr 2016
Location: Northern VA
Re: Are You Willing to Trade?

Originally Posted by Good Grappler
Voted yes, but I’m not a fan of either choice tbh. Leave block strength as is, and make stamina penalty for blocked strikes double what it is now. Most of the online fights are 3 accelerated rounds... that’s maybe 9 mins of gameplay total? Not enough time for stamina wasters to get punished. The stamina taxes for mindless spam should become apparent before the match is over
I still think block power is a bit too powerful, but I do agree with you overall --- and I'm glad you bring up accelerated rounds --- many people say that throwing 100+ strikes in a round is 'possible' in real life. Sure it is. But remember that the pace they are REALLY fighting at is double their output .... so someone throwing 100 strikes in a 5 minute round (accelerated) really throwing 200 strikes in 5 'real' minutes....

I still see 130 strikes in a round, which is really 260 strikes in 5 'real minutes'

260 strikes in (5 min x 60 sec) = 260 strikes in 300 seconds = nearly a strike per second lol

Of course it's just a game so I'm mostly OK with accelerated clock. But the sheer pace/volume when looked at it from a 'real time' point of view is something to really keep in mind IMO

It's a lot better than it used to be at least thx to whiff & evasion tax hikes the past couple months!!

I usually hate taxes but these are tax hikes i can get behind lol
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