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Old 09-13-2018, 12:52 PM   #8
3ShowTime2's Arena
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Join Date: Apr 2017
Re: Tips for winning an Unlimited game

Originally Posted by kidanything2
How exactly did you adjust to that? I played against the same thing the other day and there was no chance of me winning. I couldn't find a setting that would let me guard the ball handler and make the CPU stick to the popping big. On the slight chance the popper was covered I was on an island with the ball handler and despite everyone praising the defense to heaven and back, I still felt very "skatey" and would get taken to the hole with no help. Or if there was help there was someone wide open for a three with no rotation.

Basically it felt exactly like last year. Any help? Did you change menu settings or just manually adjust?

I did it manually by simply maneuvering around the screen. A better player would certainly exploit this, but this player was so bad that he simply didnt know what to do because he was so focused on getting Porzingis the ball that he always failed.

If you want/need to cpu help you need to use soft/hard hedges in the defensive settings.
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