Wow, these guys are extremely responsive to negative/constructive criticism and totally on the ball...yet another patch:
Axis Football 2018 v2.5 is now live!
Axis Football 2018 - Axis Games
Thanks for your patience as we continue to address the feedback and issues you guys bring up.
Here's a list of changes in v2.5:
We added a new toggle to the options window called "Ignore Controllers." If this is checked, the game will ignore any controllers plugged in. This is a fix for those people that have non-useable controllers for Axis Football plugged in (e.g., Racing Wheels). If Axis detects any controller it automatically disables and hides a lot of buttons, making it impossible for users who wish to use their keyboard and mouse to play the game. Naturally, this was an unintended consequence. If you wish to use your keyboard and mouse to play the game, please make sure that "Ignore Controllers" is checked under the main menu options screen.
Added a "Run In Background" option for the game to the options menu. This will allow the game to continue to run (instead of automatically pausing) when the game window loses focus
Adjusted receiver's ability to catch the ball when covered. We were seeing some unrealistic catches in double and triple coverage in addition to higher than realistic completion percentages from QBs.
Thanks again for everyone's support!
Just saying, though lots of work still needs to be done, v 2.5 is miles ahead of the launch v 2.3!!!! And this accomplished in only two days!