09-17-2018, 03:19 PM
Re: NBA 2k19...How are the sliders out of the box?
Bro ...im sincere ...the default sliders are TrAsh !!
Unrealistic paint fg % unrealistic threes the cpu just cheats all day long with bulletpasses and contested shots contact layups floaters in traffic too much reaching fouls and too much reaching by the cpu in general, it just feels like playing a cheating A.I there is no fun factor its just cheesing to stay alive against the cpu cheese . Superstar and all star both are unplayable out the box and im tired of catching slideritis again ..its a drag ! I am 2 -9 in my league online and i dont have fun anymore and i stopped playing till someone legit posts a solid slider set ..
Never ever did i play a 2k that was healthy out the box .
They also took out the option to choose manual or auto on automatic shot contest under controller settings ..why they took out that option i dont know why ...now my defenders automatically contest and are always out of position for rebounds ..
Im not satisfied with 2k gameplay and programming .
Bought live 19 and even if its not as good as 2k but i can play 10 games a day and still not frustrated or tired of playing ..i hope to catch some sliders these days because i cant play this anymore..its like they didnt test user vs cpu ..its blatant cheating.period