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Old 09-19-2018, 02:49 PM   #7
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Join Date: Sep 2012
Re: MDM RealStats CPUvCPU/Player Lock CFM Sliders for Madden NFL 19

Originally Posted by rickpersak
I definitely will keep you updated after a few more games tonight!

Question: did you see different stats/gameplay when playing as one player with the highest overall AWR vs doing CPUvsCPU games?

I like to only do slow-sim CPUvsCPU games in my franchise to watch the team that I drafted/built play and develop throughout the season.

Only if I call the plays, because human is obviously smarter than Madden CPU in playcalling.
If I pick just the first suggested play in the 'Strategy' suggestions the results are pretty close if you play on defense or TE/WR; if you play QB in a passing team or HB in a ground&pound one it depends on your stick skills and play vision ability.

These sliders anyway are designed for a CPUvCPU style since it's pretty impossible to set sliders in a scientific way if a user actually plays the game...
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