Thread: Dirty Jerseys?
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Old 09-20-2018, 06:52 AM   #2
RoyceDa59's Arena
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Re: Dirty Jerseys?

Originally Posted by Peabs
Having only played the demo, I've yet to see jerseys with dirt/grass stains, and I'm wondering if it is different in the full version of the game. Socks, bare arms, and keepers get dirty, but that's the limit to what I've seen.

Not a decision-making aspect of the game for me, as I feel PES has really separated itself from FIFA in terms of pure gameplay and immersion, but this is just another piece that increases immersion, and I'm curious if it is indeed a part of the core game.

Yes, kits can get dirty all over except for maybe the front of the kit overall it is a really nice touch.


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