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Old 10-23-2018, 09:15 AM   #23
pinbw's Arena
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Arrow Xbox360 Transfer Process: NCAA 14 Classic Rosters

Originally Posted by billysims
Thanks. Ok, now that I downloaded this zip file to my computer, now what do I do to get it onto my 360? Sorry, but I dont really know how this stuff works
Method 1 Listed Step by step (This Guide is also provided with my zip file rosters.)>>

(nearly the same INFO as above that was listed in steps repeated below.)
You will needMODIO 3 installed on a Windows pc.

Not possible with a Mac.
And you require a USB flash drive to transfer files from PC to xbox360. Some newer sleak xbox360s may not have a USB input. USB input is in the front right corner of most xbox360s. After trying out method 1 again, I find it easier. But either method is fine.

Unzip this file you downloaded And read instructions guide I placed with the roster.
You have 2 methods to choose from
1. Uses the full save file 1.44mb file.
2. Uses the file contents 1.36mb file. (this file looks exactly like Full Save but smaller, so do not mix them up.)
The first method is supposed to be easiest by copying and pasting your unique profile id# and Device ID# into the file I have given here using modio3. You get that information by previously saving a roster or a profile file from your own Xbox360 to the USB flash drive. You do this by either saving it in game or copying files to your flash drive on the Xbox home screen storage settings screen.

Then take your flash drive back to the pc, open your own file with modio3 to read those 2 id#s. You copy and paste those #s to a text file or word file , so you can again retrieve them by copying and pasting them into the new save file I have here(using modio 3).
After copy and paste these 2 numbers , you click rehash and resign in modio 3. Then move this file to the flash drive ....Proper folder location to paste it is in instructions guide.

After file is on your flash drive, take it back to your xbox360 and load it up in game under settings and file management..Press LT to change from profile to roster file....You have to also change browsing to usb storage drive instead of Xbox hdd by pressing X button..It is stated on bottom of screen. Finally you should save a copy of the roster in game to your Xbox hdd so it doesnt have to run from the flash drive; You can also copy and paste rosters from USB to Xbox HDD on Xbox360 Home Page> Storage Settings screen.
I use the 2nd method since I have been doing it that way all along when editing rosters for duplicate#s, importing teams from PS3 for conversions using ea DB editor. But method 1 is easier. Method 2 is needed if first method is not damaged roster error when you try to load it up on xbox360.


All of this should be very educational since EA sports will probably shutdown servers permanently 2 or 3 yrs from now and everyone will need to use offline file method. By that time maybe we will have some kind of new football game requiring more Complex college football modding.
***Another Sports game shares similarities to Method 1 of this xb360 roster process: CH2K8 basketball files and my guide using those files: (so maybe the basketball guide will help understand the NCAA football roster save file transfer process better)

Last edited by pinbw; 10-05-2023 at 12:45 PM.
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