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Old 10-25-2018, 01:23 PM   #6
diamok's Arena
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Join Date: Sep 2011
Re: Making a mod to remove cutscenes and speed up coach mode. Could use some help

So this thread is old, but I've been snooping around with Frosty Editor and decided to just post a bit regarding this topic...

Now I'm not a modder in the sense that I have the skill to program (anymore at least) and all that, but I do have a background in design and am able to understand coding and so on.

From what I see inside Frosty, there is a Presentation folder, inside that are two folders NIS and Transitions. Inside NIS is schematicchannel and inside Transitions is _logic folder. Inside all of those are various files with settings, parameters, blah blah blah.

Digging around, it seems there are in and out states triggered by specific EventConnections and or vice versa in most if not all of the files located in all of the folders. Soooo, if I am correct, replacing the event trigger to skip a replay in all of the appropriate EventConnections would in theory skip all of the replays. Again, in theory.

However, since the SourceEvent parameter is a multi number code, one would need to know which code triggers which event. Once know, the above could be true, simply replace the SourceEvent code and boom, skippy dippy do.

Okay, that's really all I have, some basic and simple info...Now we just need someone who knows the SourceEvent codes and can actually make the mod work. Assuming I am correct.

= EDIT =
In the Presentation folder there are 3 fields, replaycontrol, replaycontrol_class and replaycontrol_class_schematics. Maybe that's good info...haha, I don't know.


Last edited by diamok; 10-25-2018 at 02:10 PM.
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