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Old 02-16-2019, 03:31 PM   #6
Bunselpower32's Arena
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Join Date: Jul 2012
Blog Entries: 1
Re: Best Roster for MyLeague?

To get back on topic, I love the Attention to Detail roster. He has a lot of tendencies that the main roster leaves out that bear out over a season. Combined with Schnaidt's Gameplay and MyLeague sliders, you have a real nice 5-year franchise experience. Unfortunately with progression being what it is you can't go too much farther than that with ultra-realistic results, but for the vast majority it's plenty.

He is currently working on an updated version that I am anxiously awaiting to start my own MyLeague.
"The designated hitter rule is like letting someone else take Wilt Chamberlain's free throws."

- Rick Wise
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