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Old 02-21-2019, 10:53 PM   #31
shogunofharlem3's Arena
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Join Date: Dec 2007
Blog Entries: 3
Re: The Magic Of Baseball and What it Means To You.

Oh the Magic of baseball. Grew up playing baseball, I am 40 now, both organized an unorganized where the neighborhood boys would meet at the field. Played in high school and was fortunate to play 4 years of D2 college baseball.

I currently teach and coach. Funny, I hated school, my parents knew I hated school. Baseball kept me in school, finished 4 years of baseball and I got a diploma in Business Management and somehow became a teacher (so I could coach). Baseball got me a diploma. It gave me opportunity to do what I love, which I didn't know at the time.

My parents never missed a game. They never approached any of my coaches and they supported me every day. I still have my dad's makeshift scorecards from my high school and college games. My dad passed in 2012, while he was sick my mother drove him to every home game. He'd call me and second guess every move, sportively and jokingly.

Well wouldn't you know, my boys won the State Title in 13. My dad wasn't there but my oldest brother and mother were there to watch my team celebrate. Mom passed in 16, and one of my players in that tournament said, "This one is for you mom Coach", we came just short of the title but damn those kids, still make me have something in my eye.

Now, I try so hard to keep kids in baseball (or any athletics or activities) to keep them involved. Not everyone is a school kid, dont tell my students, but everyone has the ability to positively impact themselves and those around them.

So, ya, in a long post, sorry, just got back from hanging with my college teammates from 19 years ago and it was like time never passed. So to me, baseball has given me opportunities I never thought I would have. It also has left me with a bond to my late parents that I wouldn't trade for anything. Every opening day of the high school season I leave a ball with them at the cemetery and they still second guess me, I know it. That keeps me motivated

(finally, I don't have a ps4 so I am not entering. Just saw an opportunity with some great people to share what baseball means to me).


Last edited by shogunofharlem3; 02-21-2019 at 11:05 PM.
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