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Old 02-28-2019, 01:33 PM   #1
Gerg04's Arena
OVR: 5
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: South Jersey
Recommended System For The Show - OG or Pro?

Just wanting your guys thoughts. I've decided I am definitely going to pick up a used PS4, mainly for The Show. I am sure I'll dabble with a couple other PS exclusives, but this won't be my primary system as I mostly game on PC.

I've a 1440p gaming monitor, so no 4k. Assuming cost wasn't an issue the Pro is the clear choice. The extra money isn't stopping me from grabbing Pro, I am more wondering if it's actually worth it to do so considering I don't hay a 4k TV or monitor.

Thoughts? I am basically looking at around a $100 difference. Thanks in advance.

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