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Old 04-05-2019, 12:14 AM   #7
Therebelyell626's Arena
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Join Date: Mar 2018
Location: Los Angeles
Re: Bat & Ball physics

Okay, so been playing a bit more tonight and there is definitely something either wrong with the bat/ball physics, or the feedback is messed up. It is nearly impossible to pull a hanging breaking ball right now even on the inside of the plate if your feedback comes back as good. In custom practice right now and just lobbing to see if I am crazy. Out of 25 hanging breaking balls that 16 were on the insinde half of the plate (the batters pull side). Out of these 16 I had good timing on all but two, the either two were on early. Out of the 14 that I had "good timing" on, none of them were pulled and were all either hit slightly to the push side of second base or greatly to the push side of second base.

The ones that had good timing felt right, like I was supposed to be swinging when I did. This leads me to believe that this is a bat/ball physics issue and not feedback. And yes I made sure for these results I made sure all of my hitters were pull tendency as to not skew the results using the NL all stars. Something is definitely up right now and just can't put my finger on it. I saw country boy mention in the patch thread they are aware there is an "issue", so hopefully they can get it resolved
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