04-10-2019, 02:36 PM
OVR: 9
Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: Upstate, NY
Re: Stealing help desperately needed.
There is an advanced method, that requires some finger dexterity, and a weird hand position on the controller, but it can be effective.. and fun.
When you take your lead, and if you have the pitcher in a count where he is maybe ahead, or apt to throw something offspeed, squeeze and release the L trigger. This tells your guy at first you want him to steal.
Next, wait for the lead off, then position your hand so that you can re-squeeze the L trigger with your middle finger, and keep it pulled.
Use your index finger and set it on the L1 button, and when the pitcher comes set, give the L1 a squeeze, increasing the lead off by a step, and if the pitcher does not throw over, immediately release the L2 so that your runner takes off at the pitcher's first movement.
The game does not allow you to take advantage of pitchers that are slow to the plate, or have an delivery from the stretch that would result in a stolen base 100% of the time.
Pitchers that come to the set, then have a high leg kick, or have a hitch in their delivery due to the animation, will have the luxury of the runner not stealing until the animation has played out.
This is most noticeable with the Asian pitchers, with the Dice-K style hesitation that they must teach over there... The game does not allow you to bolt from first base on that first lift up of the leg, which would result in an easy stolen base, so you have to resort to the Squeeze and Release, which can get you an extra step, and sometimes, that spark is all you need to start the rally.
Give it a shot. It is fun getting the timing down, and the reward makes the stolen base pretty satisfying.
"Ain't gonna learn what you don't wanna know"....GD
Last edited by stealyerface; 04-10-2019 at 02:44 PM.
Reason: spelling