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Old 04-21-2019, 06:25 PM   #60
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Join Date: Apr 2012
Re: Live Tuner Set - April 11, 2019

Originally Posted by bmlimo
well philly, meta is in constant changes jab and hook is super effective destroying block and pressuring and to fish sway
You can literally lead leg sway into a 2-3-6

Or block the jab and back sway the hook and return with a 3-6

You can also duck if you’re same height or shorter. But make sure to duck then immediately sway toward their lead leg incase they’re smart enough to start using uppercuts.

Naked 2b into 3’s work to combat jab-hookers as well.

If someone is constantly in your face and you have at least even clinch stats you can also just throw a 2-over/under to break their rhythm

Or if you’re in opposite stances go for single collar. The start up is masked because your fighter switches stance to grab the clinch.

Or if you’re backing up and they’re throwing forward moving strikes you can inturrupt their combo with a naked 2-5 after their 2nd forward moving strike due to the pause they’d have.

Lotta options and they dont require a lot of skill to do. As long as you remain calm under pressure and make reads you’ll be fine.

Edit: this all works against “spammers”. Once you start facin higher ranked guys it’ll be difficult to make these reads.

Last edited by Phillyboi207; 04-22-2019 at 01:16 PM.
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