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Old 05-17-2019, 09:27 AM   #288
kurtistan's Arena
OVR: 0
Join Date: Jun 2017
Re: NCAA Football 14: 2019-2020 Roster Update

Originally Posted by ctpot4
Just wondering: how do y’all determine ratings?

Also question might be dumb but what is the zip file I see on a lot of posts? Is there anyway to see the roster without ps3?

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You need a combination of a program to decrypt your PS3 file (modio), and then there is a program that you can open the NCAA 14 file after decrypting (EA DB editor) which will give you an excel spreadsheet like view of the roster and team info/stats.

Sounds complicated but you will end up with a spreadsheet like an excel file where you can view players and all their stats etc.

You can read more here:

Ratings are complex combination of their composite rating coming out of HS or JUCO, their testing results like 40yrd dash, shuttle, verticle jump etc... also their year, their stats for their previous season, did they make all confrence?, how many votes?, all american?, etc.

It all goes into creating the ratings for their stats that will go towards their OVR rating.

Last edited by kurtistan; 05-17-2019 at 09:32 AM.
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