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Old 05-18-2019, 11:33 PM   #99
WarMMA's Arena
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Join Date: Apr 2016
Re: NBA 2K20 wishlist thread

Originally Posted by Chemthethriller
Do we expect such a jump these days though or will it be like the "jump" from the PS4 to the PS4 Pro?
That would suck as it wouldn't be much of a jump at all, but new consoles are usually always much more powerful than their predecessor's, so I doubt it would be like that. I heard 2k's reason for the graphical downgrade was gameplay mode stuff and that the current gen didn't have enough power for them to do both. Since next gen consoles will most likely have much more horsepower than current gen, i'm kinda expecting to have back what we lost with 2k14 and keeping my fingers crossed for it. Cuz before I heard the reason for the downgrade, I was completely baffled by how the graphics started to look worse. And not really the models of course, but the excellent lighting that made everything pop had just left the building. Now the game just doesn't look as good anymore. So it's really just hoping we get that back if 2k20 does end up on nxt gen.
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