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Old 05-27-2019, 05:13 AM   #101
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Join Date: Aug 2017
Re: NBA 2K20 wishlist thread

Originally Posted by Schnoodle321
If the jump of 2k on PS5 is relative to that of the ps4 to ps4 pro that’s on 2k not the hardware.
From what’s already been discussed by cerny and what’s been rumoured there’s more than enough power for us to see a huge difference going into PS5
The CPU and GPU of the Xbox and ps4 has been underpowered since day one. The next gen consoles are going to be very powerful from day one. They have also confirmed that the PS4 will be using a SSD instead of a hdd, which in turn will speed up loading times tremendously. Personally I believe that the next gen graphics and physics upgrade should be greater Ethan what we witnessed from the PS3 to PS4.
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