From what I've read, most of the gaming industry has devkits for the new prototype already, which could allude to a Christmas 2020 release (aligning w/2K21).
In retrospect, 2K14 may have had the best balance between gameplay and graphics for its time, though it obviously lacked in terms of features. You'll never see that kind of balance again because of console limitations w/GPU, CPU, low memory RAM. But thank you 2K for trying...
A lot of the gaming industry is sacrificing graphics in favor of features and larger games in general. This is the case w/games like 2K, AC: Odyssey, Watch Dogs 2, etc. I turned on AC: Odyssey not long ago and the map is so big that sometimes you see undefined polygons (I'm talking rock textures and mountain terrains looking straight up hideous in some parts) ... Just BIG eye sores to say the least.