Thread: Weight Classes
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Old 05-29-2019, 02:54 PM   #2
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Join Date: Apr 2016
Re: Weight Classes

Here's another thought.

Let's say there was a power/technique modifier. It would be one or the other depending on the fighter. Almost like a move.

So for Ngannou R1 and triangle would be a power hook. Looks like a hook, but has extra juice on it. Better chance of knocking someone out, almost a sure thing with one punch given the right circumstance (guy moving forward, completely exposed kind of thing).

But for Yair Rodriguez it's a technique modifier. R1 and triangle throws a spinning elbow. His power remains the same as always.

The balance would come from the stamina drain. If someone has a power move instead of a technique move, yes they have a significant increase in their knockout power, but the stamina drain would be enormous. So if you get reckless, you could be completely gassed within seconds.

Versus a technique modifier would have a lot less probability of knocking someone out, but it's more accurate and doesn't cost much in stamina. So you could throw it all fight long with less of a worry about gassing, but you'd be at a disadvantage because you know you aren't going to be able to end things with one or two big strikes.

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