06-01-2019, 02:04 AM
Re: How do angled strikes work
This has been my biggest curiosity the whole games lifespan and in that curiosity I’ve found many tricks with moving strikes
1) being able to throw a stationary combo and finishing with a moving strike is a big advantage to have in your arsenal
2) using moving strikes to cut off the cage and flowing into stationary once you have them trapped is just as important
3) watching you opponents feet and knowing and throwing your strikes in direction of their movement ex. He goes back, I throw forward moving jab I read that after that he goes to his left so I move to that side with a hook to cut him off and throw the rest of my Combo stationary.
4) Side moving and backwards moving jabs if timed correctly at the start of their forward moving combo can actually make them whiff their entire combo without the need to step or move your head and can set up some deadly counters
5) when being walked down chest to chest if you throw a backwards moving strike into stationary combo you can surprise people and get easy rocks as they have to reach cause you moved back with the first strike and as they reach you are planted so it tricks them one of my favourite uses of this is to throw a backwards moving straight or lead hook into my stationary
6) throwing a combo in the pocket and exiting with the last strike being backwards or lateral gets you out safely, some of my favourites are throwing combos that end in a backwards moving rear leg kick or backwards moving straight to keep them from being able to advance
7) lateral strikes track better and are more easily timed on advancing opponents compared to trying to plant and wait for them good examples are the moving back lead hook, lateral straights n jabs or lateral leg kicks.
8) throwing a strike moving towards your opponents lead will close the distance, throwing it towards their rear side will creat distance.