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Old 07-05-2019, 01:49 PM   #128
Vic_Clancy's Arena
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Join Date: Aug 2018
Re: NBA 2K20 wishlist thread

A big wish for the last few years was to have 2+ myplayers going in the same career. A lot of us already build multiple characters, so it’d be nice to able to work on them both simultaneously. I’m imagining a 2K17-Orange Juice scenario where you’d be able to control either character in games.

Related to that, I’d love for them to allow the option to use some basic, pre-made characters in park/pro-am. This is not to replace the current system of using your created players in those modes, but would work alongside it.

Let’s say 2K makes available, for each position, two 85 overall characters that we could choose to play use in park/pro-am (again, you’d also have the option to your normal character(s)).

I’d like it for three reasons: (1) it’ll help to fill out team-comps... Found a few folks to squad up with? But none of them has a center? Bam, pre-made center for you to use; (2) it’ll allow folks with under-leveled characters to play and gain VC. A promise for 2k19 was being able to gain VC anywhere. Wasn’t true for folks under 85, because nobody will play with you in the park/pro-am; and (3) it would allow folks to experiment with different builds (especially if they rotated what was available).
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