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Old 07-15-2019, 10:37 PM   #16
SOLDIER, First Class...
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Re: NBA 2K20 Player Ratings Revealed Tonight at 8:00 PM EST

Originally Posted by Kushmir
My bad playboy...i'm just saying tho. Was supposed to be the most "pro ready" and had a "killer instinct" like Kobe...remember that? Turns out he had a decent handle, was a solid mid-range shooter, couldn't create space and his one elite trait was rebounding the ball.

Scouts tried to tell us Wall, Turner and Favors were all gonna be all-stars lol.

REALITY: Turner's career apex was coming off the bench for BOS in 2015.
Was Wall not an All-Star or am I missing something...?

Favors was on track to become one, he was a borderline All-Star at 23 before he got hurt. When he came back fully healthy, Gobert had usurped him as a starting center and he was forced to play out of position at a lesser role.

Turner I have no argument, he's bad

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