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Originally Posted by Tuscaloosa |
I also went back to '12 recently. Both games are fun and have their own pros and cons, as you mentioned, but I'd definitely have to give the nod to '12 because of the inherent realistic difficulty that '14 just does not have. This gives '12 a huge advantage over '14 as you're able to leave fatigue on and gear any slider changes towards realism instead of a desperate search for that realistic difficulty.
As I said in another thread, '12 Default All-American/Fatigue ON plays almost identical to '14 Default Heisman/Fatigue OFF. The game was unquestionably dumbed-down. As to why that is, I suppose it's debatable, but I think it might have been because of all the complaints about the DBs and LBs in '12, because as I switch back to '12, I say to myself, "Defense from the CPU?!" I honestly don't even understand what people were complaining about back then. I haven't seen a LB jump over a foot/foot-and-a-half yet. You're telling me it isn't realistic for a college LB to have a 18" vertical? Hell, I'm old and out of shape, and I could give you 10 on a bad day. I don't see that many problems on '12. I just call it actual defense.
I'm also an NCAA 12 guy and I've written up some other comparisons on the forums as well as am running my dynasty report on it, but I will admit I can see where people may have had complaints against pass coverage. Linebackers specifically in this game are insanely good at pass coverage and it can be frustrating when you think you have an open man over the middle or to the outside and the linebackers will read you like a book to bat any ball down that comes within a 10 foot radius of them. But like you said it definitely makes playing offense much more challenging, which in return makes it more rewarding in my opinion. Also in 12 defensive lineman and ends will consistently bat passes down at the line, I never really experienced that in 14.
If you like your games to be difficult and don't expect to put up 500 yards of offense and 40+ points a game, 12 is great. Offense in 14 is more fluid and easier to execute, which I can totally understand why people have more fun with that.