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Old 07-17-2019, 02:15 PM   #2
OVR: 3
Join Date: Aug 2008
Re: Transfer Budget Increase

You'd think if you were playing with a French club and you won a league in Italy you'd get all kinds of money for such a feat!

But seriously I don't know anything about the algorithm but in real life the promotion and position monies will vary from club to club. Some clubs will have huge transfer budgets that are programmed into the game and others will maintain smaller budgets even when promoted. There is also a setting somewhere in which you can adjust the amount of money going toward transfer but I think that's at the expense of weekly budget (not sure). I haven't been able to follow the French league but a guess would be that the average team transfer budget (maybe outside of PSG) is much less than the EPL (55 million is probably mid-range for the league), and between teams they varied how much of a total intake they would allow to go to the teams to vary things. The same issue is brought up in MLB the Show in terms of how much new money is available for the new year's budget as it isn't an easy forecast or an easy calculation within the game. I usually just take what I get and make due.

did the six million come over as well as the 8 million? I have always been curious as often I don't get through full seasons, if I didn't use budget if they add that back in. My thought would have been no (as an owner, if you didn't use the money I gave you, I'll put it back in my pocket) but just curious what you saw.
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