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Old 08-22-2019, 07:52 PM   #1
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Join Date: Aug 2016
NBA 2k20 Demo: Why Can't I Test a My Player at different/Max 99 Overall?

Why Can't I Test a My Player at different/Max 99 Overall?

It's simple. If you could, you would not spend nearly as much VC on new player and new builds trying to find that sweet spot. You can now SEE visually what their stats show. But we all know the stats are one thing and reality is another. For all we know some of those ratings have left real life affect.

I'll give you an example:

Does a 90 rebounding rating mean more than a very tall guy with very long arms and hops with a rebound rating at 77?

There's literally no way to know this without getting your guy to at least an 88 overall. That(88 or so) has always been the sweet spot where you can hang with 90+ guys and if you know how to play basketball you can kill guys that are lower than 80.

It is...what it is. They refuse to let go of that excess VC money they get. Its just too much easy $$$ for them. So either you're going to have to grind like crazy(not have a life) or Kick in some real money to buy VC. You already know most of us have lives so we will be kicking in that real money Or else be subject to sticking to a possibly bad build for the duration.

Last edited by splashmountain; 08-22-2019 at 07:54 PM.
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