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Old 09-10-2019, 04:23 AM   #6
adembroski's Arena
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Re: What is the perfect amount of minutes for played stats to match with simmed?

Originally Posted by booker21
How many plays do you get with 14 16acc? I still believe the acc clock is something that each user has to tweak to his best match since many variables depends on this. For example, as a house rule i'm not allowed to audible at all. SO i will be snapping the ball with 15 o 13 sec on the clock. (side note:Most teams IRL do it below 10 ) and this will lead to more plays to someone who may do audibles on each play and snap the ball with 8 or less secs
Between 130-150 snaps. It trends high, given that I'm on the slow side as far as getting the snap off, but 13 minute QTRs trends equally low for me. If you don't do any preplay adjusting, then you'll probably wanna drop it to 12 or so.

I do everything presnap. Let the defense settle, see what they're doing, identify the mike (the CPU is wrong often enough it needs checking on every play), make protection adjustments where I see fit, and audible when the defense shows blitz or shows an advantageous coverage where I have a match up. I'm pretty slow because I also play in a 32 man league and I'm pretty bad on the sticks, so I need every advantage I can get.
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