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Old 09-11-2019, 04:00 PM   #1636
Limasbravo's Arena
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Join Date: Sep 2019
Location: Minnesota
Re: NCAA Football 14: 2019-2020 Roster Update

Originally Posted by appstate
Welcome! NHL 2004 is still my favorite NHL title for the console, but for the PC I have a soft spot for NHL 98 (really any of the EA Sports 98 series) since I grew up playing those for years before my first console.

To download the rosters, on the main menu you go to Team Management, then in that menu, find Roster Share. You'll then be presented with the option of downloading rosters from someone on your friends list or enter a Specific Online ID. Select the "Specific" option.

Page 1 of this thread is periodically updated with the username of who on the roster team has the most recent file and all the information you should find on that file. Type in that username and hit OK, and the roster will download to your console and you can immediately save it. To make sure you have the correct roster, on page 1 you'll see a "check" which you can then find on the downloaded roster as confirmation.

Hope this helps.
Thank you! I was just browsing through various threads to figure that out. I can't remember NHL 98 right now. NHL 93 just might be my favorite ever hockey game. Largely because it was the last time the Northstars were in a game.
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