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Old 09-14-2019, 08:56 AM   #30
OVR: 4
Join Date: Sep 2004
Re: Sabo's The Revival Gameplay Mod - Madden 20 Edition

Originally Posted by NimitsTexan
I am almost ready to pull the trigger and get Madden 20 for PC, based on this mod . . . except for the fact I am not sure I am down with removing all the Corner and 4 vertical routes from the palybooks. I know they get overused, but they are fairly common routes in football; completely removing them seems a bit overkill, and unrealistic in its own right. Is there a way to have the mod, except leave those plays in?

For Pete's sake, why??????
They’re not removed from the playbooks but from the CPU selecting it in their gameplan. Reason for that is they are traditionally broken and lead to way too many sacks. I will be replacing them in future with other plays.
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