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Old 09-24-2019, 11:51 AM   #12
icicle22's Arena
OVR: 7
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: Canton, Ohio (Hall of Fame City)
Re: Huskereurocat's Network Mods

Originally Posted by kongemeier
It does say it's for a different patch, yes. But so does Rivival & Aholberts Stadium Mod, but they run with no issues. Was just curious if the mistake was on my end or the mod needed update...
Some of the mods access a section of legacy files that get reset with each patch version. So long story short, some mods will still work when they say patch mismatch....others don't and I think the network mods are one of the ones that need to be maintained as they access the legacy portion of the game. Do you have a way to update them yourself using Frosty Editor? I can't recall if these mods have the project files included or not.
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